Sunday, December 13, 2009


Wow! Ok.  So Ive officially moved. We are renting a house in Whitemouth.  Yes I know it's super far away... takes me like an hour to get to work now!  Plus we are still driving the kids to school in Beausejour just till things get settled in Whitemouth.   It's definitely a trek. 

I love the new place though, slowly but surely we're getting everything together. Got some new appliances and most of the dishes and boxes unpacked.... slowly its starting to look more like a home instead of just a house :)

I was totally late today!! UGH! I miss when I drove myself to work....but Trev can't sit still so he's gotta make it a whole family affair its rediculous actually. I slept in cause I was tired - Trev knows what time I have to leave to make it to work on he was up since like 5am cause he couldn't sleep he had plenty of time to fit showering in between 5am and 11am....but no what does he do waits till i have my shower and finish bathroom stuff (makeup and hair...) at 11 and THEN he decides he's going to have a shower...then we get like 5 miles out of whitemouth and remember that we forgot the movies that we had rented and had to return in beausejour...SO we had to turn when we got to beausejour i tried using the payphone to call my boss so she could open the doors at least but the stupid payphone wouldn't work...wouldn't accept my quarters then wouldn't dial the number just kept saying please hang up and try your call i gave up after about 5 mins of trying and ended up 10 mins late!!!! SOOO FRUSTRATING! Hope I don't get in too much trouble.

I decided to try to quit smoking...Trev has agreed to not smoke in the car or in the house (sometimes he will in the bathroom once the kids are asleep) and he has to shower more lol and brush his teeth more so that I don't smell it so we'll see how long that lasts.....probably won't...I miss the social part of it already lol and ive only quit for like 5 hours :( LOL!!!!